Upcoming Events




Every Thursday 12:30 - 13:30

Join us for a cozy and welcoming lunch break every Thursday! Bring your own food, meet like-minded people, and enjoy a relaxed meal together. This is a great way to connect with fellow students, staff, and anyone else who wants to join in.

Everyone is welcome —students, VU employees, and anyone looking for a friendly lunch break!

📍 Green Office

Let’s make lunch a moment to share and connect! 🥪🍎

Sewing workshop

Sewing workshop

Want to learn from a real fashion designer? Using inspiration from Japanese Techniques such as Sashiko and Boto in addition to traditional darning, we will learn to creatively repair ripper/torn/stained or hole ridden garments that would otherwise go to a landfill. So bring your item that you would like to work on and let's create a unique piece! With guest fashion designer Kasha Fowler Crampton.

Registration mandatory! Limited spots! Register here:


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Movie Night x Anthrocine

Movie Night x Anthrocine

Join us for Movie Night on May 8th from 16:00 to approximately 19:00, presented by Green Office VU and Anthrocine. We'll be showcasing Living Together: The Story of De Warren.

Enjoy the film, complimentary pizza, and drinks on this festive occasion! To ensure we order enough pizza for everyone, please fill your name in the registration form.

Location: 3D room, at Vrije Universiteit (next to SPAR) - De Boelelaan 1085 - 1081 HV AMSTERDAM. 

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Zero Waste DIY for home!
to 19 Apr

Zero Waste DIY for home!

Want to minimalise your waste? Do it yourself! Waste reduction is the best way towards a more circular economy. In this workshop you will learn how to make deodorant, detergent, candles and an exfoliating scrub so you never have to buy plastic single use packaged versions. We make them organic and vegan! Better for your skin, your weallet and the planet!

Please register for the workshop

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Workshop by Chickfashic

Workshop by Chickfashic

Hosted by Chickfashic, a pioneering sustainable fashion company, this workshop adds on your sewing skills from last week's workshop! Learn how to do quick fixes and alterations at home to prolong your clothes' lifespan while gaining insights into fashion's supply chain. Together, let's embrace sustainable fashion and empower ourselves to make conscious wardrobe choices that benefit both people and the planet!

Please register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=nJwqRqYt-0uzGA-DBD_kmx6uDqbb5ZhFpDogb0gqN49UNkNDSVlQRkowMzBFN1pYS0VDN0dQV1U5Si4u

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Bike Repair Workshop

Bike Repair Workshop

For this workshop, we have invited the skilled people for the Bike Kitchen to tell you all the tips and tricks on fixing your own bike! Learn how to repair your bike and never get tired of a flat tire! They will demonstrate the most common repairs, so you can save money, time, and make your own bike the smoothest ride.

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Waste Tour and workshop

Waste Tour and workshop

Do you want to know what happens with your waste after you put it in a bin on campus? Join our tour through the VU's underground world and follow the path of your waste along the university's extensive tunnel system. Learn how waste management will change in the upcoming years and how we will get to Zero Waste together.

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Sewing workshop

Sewing workshop

Want to learn from a real fashion designer? Using inspiration from Japanese Techniques such as Sashiko and Boto in addition to traditional darning, we will learn to creatively repair ripper/torn/stained or hole ridden garments that would otherwise go to a landfill. So bring your item that you would like to work on and let's create a unique piece! With guest fashion designer Kasha Fowler Crampton.

Registration mandatory! Limited spots! Register here:


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Circular Economy Week
to 18 Apr

Circular Economy Week

Full planning is up! Check the workshops and activities here on the website, or on our instagram! @greenofficevu

Don’t forget to register for the workshops and activities!


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Game Night

Game Night

Get ready for a game night with a twist as we delve into the fascinating world of food systems and dietary choices! Challenge your friends to think critically about the food they consume and explore ways to make more sustainable choices that benefit both our health and the environment.

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Food Footprint Challenge

Food Footprint Challenge

Join us for an interactive game event where you'll rank your everydayfood items based on their environmental footprint. Challenge your perceptions and discover the environmental impact of your dietary choices.

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Food Sustainability Week
to 28 Feb

Food Sustainability Week

Nourish the Future! Dive into workshops, talks, and events on the environmental impact of our food choices. Join the conversation and explore sustainable eating with us, including a special vegan cooking session

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Community Borrel II

Community Borrel II

The second Community Borrel! This time, we have a great combination for you. Not can you only have some drinks and snacks with us, we are also combining this our Green Friday event! There will be workshops, talks, discounts and repairing options all day!

For more information, please check the Green Friday event, or follow the latest updates on our instagram

Please sign up for the workshop via the link!

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Green Friday

Green Friday

Reflect. Rethink. Reuse.

our answer to Black Friday: join our workshops, talks and other events on repairing, reusing, recycling, and how you can make your shopping habits easily more sustainable!

10:00 - 16:00 Clothing Swap all day!!!

11:00 - 12:00 Vegan and Zero-waste Deo workshop - SIGN UP HERE

Discount for the PhoneLab for a repair!!! Also sign up with the link

12:00 - 13:30 Lunchbreak

15:00 - 16:30 Guest Speaker Enric Noguera about overconsumption and foodwaste

15:00 - 20:00 Community Borrel, for snacks and drinks

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Climate Mars!

Climate Mars!

On Sunday 12th of November, 13:00 in Amsterdam, there is the Mars for Climate Justice. Are you joining us?

Problems considering the climate, housing, biodiversity, poverty, pollution and racism are rising. However, Dutch politics doesn’t seem to provide a suiting action plan. That is why we are going to make our voice heard. We want to demand change. Only if we stand up together, they will have to listen. Hopefully you want to join us, to also make it a fun afternoon!

We will sign up as a “student blok” so you don’t have to be alone, but can join us!

Please contact Victor (community@greenofficevu.nl) if you are interested or if you have any questions!

More info on klimaatmars.nl

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National Climate Week
to 5 Nov

National Climate Week

This week, it will be National Climate Week (Nationale Klimaatweek) 2023! You can check what’s going on in your neighboorhood! On the website, you can find activities, tips and tricks, and more!

Are you doing anything special this National Climate week? Let us know!

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Global Goals Jam
to 14 Oct

Global Goals Jam

This is something for you! Collaborate and create sustainable solutions for local problems. This Global Goals Jam, you can work with different disciplines to adress local challenges and develop your own design. Make an impact, broaden your network and learn!

Sign up for this event via: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=HrsHCfwhb0eIQwLQnOtZp2XDrWhMYT1GqTasv7DOFxtUNkhQQjYwWUYySlgwQ0FIRTQxWU5NS0Q1QS4u

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Community Borrel

Community Borrel

Come and join us for a chat, a drink and a vegan snack! Every 2 months we organise this Community Borrel. It is a moment to connect with all the volunteers and interested people, a moment of feedback and brainstorming, and just to have a good time!

This first edition of the academic year, we’ll open with a small presentation on all the projects and event that are going to happen this year, so you can get engaged in your favorite ones! And to make things extra special, we will have snacks from our own community garden harvest!

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Sustainability Soapbox

Sustainability Soapbox

At this soapbox event, everyone can take the stage to promote, say, shout, share something related to sustainability. Want to raise awareness? Or do you want to tell us more about your research findings? Walking around with a very good idea that you need the VU community to hear? Come and spread the word.

The soapbox stage is opened the whole session, but there is also room for networking, having lunch and just chatting with other people interested in the topic.
PS. There will be some coffee and tea, don't forget to bring your own lunch.
Do you wish to do a short talk next edition? The third edition takes place on 14 June (@ 3D). Please reach out to Manon; m.l.swart@vu.nl or sustainability@vu.nl

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Sustainability Career Event

Sustainability Career Event

On May 9th, 2023, the Green Offices of Amsterdam: VU, UvA, AUC, HVA, and ROCvAF will bring together professionals who are committed to sustainability and career growth. Discover how you can flourish in your career while contributing to a sustainable future. Register now and meet like-minded people who are ready to change the world! Keep an eye on this page as the workshops and keynote speaker will be revealed soon.

12:00-13:00 Introduction with speaker

13:00-15:00 Career Event

13:00-15:00 CV checks and LinkedIn pictures

13:00-13:30 Lunch (Limited)

16:00-17:00 Drinks

More info and purchase tickets here !

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Opening of VU Rooftop Worm Hotel

Opening of VU Rooftop Worm Hotel

Grand Opening of the VU Rooftop Worm Hotel!

The Green Office VU & Enactus VU invite you to come & celebrate with us the start of Spring by opening the VU Worm Hotel. Learn how to use the worm hotel and how to connect to the first OnCampus Worm Hotel Network in the world!

More info: info@greenofficevu.nl

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Clothing Swap

Clothing Swap

Clothes Swap 👚

The Green Office VU is participating in the Greenlands Festival this year on 15th April and we are organizing a Clothes Swap together with @theclothingloop !

Join us at 15:00-17:00


1️⃣Wash your clothes

2️⃣Max. 5 items

3️⃣Ultra fast fashion (Shein, Primark) banned

See you there!

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Sustainability Soapbox

Sustainability Soapbox

At this soapbox event, everyone can take the stage to promote, say, shout, share something related to sustainability. Want to raise awareness? Or do you want to tell us more about your research findings? Walking around with a very good idea that you need the VU community to hear? Come and spread the word.

The soapbox stage is opened the whole session, but there is also room for networking, having lunch and just chatting with other people interested in the topic.

PS. There will be some coffee and tea, don't forget to bring your own lunch.

Do you wish to do a short talk next edition? The second edition takes place on 10 May (@ the Green Office). Please reach out to Manon; m.l.swart@vu.nl or sustainability@vu.nl

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Chicfashic & Green Office VU

Chicfashic & Green Office VU

Sustainable Fashion workshop

Shopping for clothes was once considered an occasional activity, which people only did out of necessity. However, fashion has transformed into a powerful and complex process of global production, distribution and consumption. What’s in season doesn’t last as long as it used to, and the demands have risen for cheaper trends which are constantly changing. This has led the fashion industry to become the second most polluting sector in the world, only following the non-renewable energy sector of gas and oil.

Through this course we aim to expand your knowledge on how our clothes are made and moved. This will help us have discussions about what we can do to solve the problem and help create an industry that is both sustainable and pragmatic.

Sustainable sewing workshop

Did you know that an estimated 92 million tonnes of textile waste are created each year? By 2030, we are predicted to send 134 million tonnes of clothing to landfills annually. These shocking figures are both appalling and avoidable. Some quick, cheap and easy sewing skills can be the answer to stop us having to get rid of some of our favorite pieces in our wardrobes.

Join this workshop to practice the skills which will save and extend the life of your clothes.

Register here!

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Menstrual Poverty Workshop

Menstrual Poverty Workshop

In a week of celebrating Women, let’s get together and discuss Menstrual Poverty, an issue that affects not only all women, but everyone. Menstrual poverty refers to a difficulty of affording menstrual products. Prior to this workshop, the Green Office VU & Opinium are conducting a survey to determine the level of menstrual poverty among students. You can contribute to the study here. The survey in more depth will be discussed in this workshop with a goal of collective brainstorming on the potential solutions to end period poverty. Join us for this evening. Drinks afterwards!

Time: 15:00-17:00

Location: Green Office VU (HG KC-17)

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Green Friday

Green Friday

Overconsumption is a huge problem in the current times. Our willingness to update electronic devices more often is causing an increasing trend in e-waste generation, and environmental, social and economic harm in the countries extracting.

This Black Friday, don’t buy new technology!

The GOVU together with the Phone Lab will be offering FREE smartphone repairs from 10:00-14:00 at the Green Office. If you need your phone fixed, sign up here.

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